If you are moving to the Netherlands from abroad, and you would like your child to go into Dutch education, Winford Schools offer private Primary and Secondary School education in many cities in the Netherlands.
If your child is not ready for Secondary School, we offer a transition class called Pre-brugklas (a pre-bridging class).
There are many different reasons why a child is not ready for high school. For example, your child does not have sufficient knowledge of the Dutch language, needs more assistance in certain subjects, is still very young or playful, has experienced socially-emotionally drastic events, or scores low on the Cito test while their IQ predicts something else. This is when the Prebrugklas can be a suitable choice. In the Prebrugklas your child receives the essential attention and guidance in developing precisely those points that are needed to be successful in the first year of secondary school.
The Pre-brugklas combines the safety of primary school with the challenging of secondary school:
• Your child strengthens the knowledge and skills of spelling, reading comprehension, vocabulary and arithmetic. The mentor teaches these basic subjects.
• Your child will be introduced to a number of subjects from secondary school. Secondary school teachers teach English, mathematics, engineering, world orientation and computer science. Also, your child may want a second modern foreign language or Latin.
• Your child will work with the mentor on their own development and study skills. Here, social skills, presentation skills, planning and structuring are discussed.
For more information on our "pre-brug klas" click here
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